Summer miles are ALWAYS fun… this year make them EPIC!

Research + Work = Success

  • Learn.

    Resting Heart Rate, Max Heart Rate, Zone Specific Training, True Threshold Training, Race Pace versus Training Pace, Cadence, Warm-up, Cool Down.

    Understanding your training is the first step in steering your success. At the end of Summer Miles you will have the basics down and be able to control your effort, fatigue, and resuts.

  • Listen.

    “Everything I know I learned from someone else.” Guest speakers bring knowledge, excitement, personal achievements, and insights learned through individual experiences. Expect specialists in Nutrition, Footwear, Hydration, Recovery, and Racing throughout the summer.

  • Train.

    Proper, consistent, and productive warm-up, specifically designed training sessions, strength activities, and gait work are all core components of a solid training program. Just as vital, you will learn about fatigue and how it negatively impacts training, what to watch for, and how to steer clear and recover! Summer Miles will teach the process of development and keep you improving throughout the entire Cross Country season.

  • Test.

    All runners in the Summer Miles program will begin with testing to determine their current level of fitness. This information will be utilized to individualize all training sessions for every participant. Athlete’s will complete Summer Miles knowing and understanding their Resting Heart rate, TRUE Max Heart Rate, Training Zones, and their training paces and race pace.